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Skagsanden Glow | Northern Lights at Skagsanden beach - Lofoten, Norway - Realizzato con Pictrs.comVareid sunset | Vareid - Lofoten, Norway - Realizzato con Pictrs.comGimsøy | ...time is flying, and it's time to say good-bye to Lofoten today - what a crazy workshop with tons of Northern lights, most beautiful sunrises and sunsets and - last not least - with an incredible group of photo enthusiasts - thanks for all your passion and for this great time! - Realizzato con Pictrs.comgo down North | Vikten - Lofoten, Norway - Realizzato con Pictrs.comlofoten-13 | schiefLicht Fotografie - Shop - Realizzato con Pictrs.comfairytale morning | Reine - Lofoten, Norway - Realizzato con Pictrs.comHaukland | Sunset at Haukland beach, Lofoten - lucky us! - Realizzato con Pictrs.comHamnoy morning | Hamnoy - Lofoten, Norway - Realizzato con Pictrs.comwhere the wild things are | Iceland - Realizzato con Pictrs.comAldeyjarfoss | Aldeyjarfoss, Iceland - Realizzato con Pictrs.comeyes wide open | Aldeyjarfoss, Iceland - winter wonderland :) - Realizzato con Pictrs.cominstant re-birth | Aldeyjarfoss, Iceland - Realizzato con Pictrs.comHafnarbjargafoss | Iceland - winter wonderland!Die Aufnahme ist im Rahmen meines letzten Fotoworkshops Anfang April im Norden Islands entstanden....wer Lust auf Skandinavien im Winter hat: für meine Foto-Workshops auf den Lofoten im Januar 2017 gibt es im Augenblick noch freie Plätze! - Realizzato con Pictrs.comGoðafoss | Goðafoss, Iceland - Realizzato con Pictrs.comschieflicht-10-2 | schiefLicht Fotografie - Shop - Realizzato con

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